“We have celebrated and suffered”- Thiago Silva reacts to Chelsea’s farewell for him after memorable Blues career

Thiago Silva took to social media to react to Chelsea’s farewell for him

Sunday saw the end of the Premier League 2023–24 season, along with the end of the tenure of Chelsea’s star defender, Thiago Silva, who now departs Stamford Bridge. He certainly was a huge part of the Blues and the club will now struggle to fill the void he leaves behind him.

At least as a player, Thiago Silva played his last game for Chelsea on Sunday against Bournemouth. He has stated that he would return to the team at some point, most likely as a coach, as he is now counting down his final years as a player.

When the final whistle blew and Thiago returned to the pitch to address the Chelsea supporters in the stadium, it was an emotional moment for him and his family. As he talked, he fought back the tears.

Thiago Silva took to social media to react to Chelsea's farewell for him
Silva reacts to his farewell with a heartfelt post (Instagram: @thiagosilva)

On Sunday night, the veteran defender shared a heartfelt message online to Chelsea supporters. Silva wrote:

“A day full of emotions. Thank you all for this incredible farewell. It has been an exciting four years in which we have touched glory by winning a Champions League, but where we have also gone through difficult times.”

“We have celebrated and suffered, but always together and with your unwavering support. The strength of this great club lies in the union of all of us who make it up. I would like to thank all of my teammates, coaches, technical staff, doctors, kit men and the rest of the club’s workers who have made my time here unforgettable. And, of course, to all the Blues, who have supported me from the first day I arrived.”

“Unfortunately, our paths are now parting, but hopefully in the future I can continue to help the club in another way. My sons will continue to wear this shirt with pride and hopefully they can make it far. The Silva family will be eternally grateful to this club and to all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Chelsea FC.”

It is safe to say that the departure of Thiago Silva could be considered as a huge blow for Chelsea because he was a huge part of Chelsea’s achievements and victories. Since arriving on a free transfer in August 2020, Thiago has made 155 appearances for the Blues, introducing several silverware to the club with the likes of Champions League, FIFA Club World Cup, and the UEFA Super Cup.

Thiago Silva took to social media to react to Chelsea's farewell for him
An emotional farewell for Silva

Silva stood out in leading and guiding Chelsea through rough times, struggling along with his teammates, about which he talked in his post-match interview. Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino appreciated his contribution to the team by saying it was an “honour” for him to manage him.

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With Chelsea defeating Bournemouth with a 2-1 score line in a thrilling match, Silva received a stylish farewell he deserved. Chelsea now has to carefully sign a defender who has enough skills and experience to tick all the boxes to replace Silva. It will be intriguing to see whom the club chooses to fill in the star defender’s shoes.