What Kind of VIP Experiences Does Chelsea Footballers Enjoy at Casinos?

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Given their immense wealth, relative youth and huge media profile, it’s little surprise to learn that some of football’s biggest stars enjoy spending time in casinos. Cristiano Ronaldo, Gianluigi Buffon and Wayne Rooney are just some of the superstar names who have revealed their fondness for gambling, with some of them even acting as official ambassadors for industry brands.

Of course, the sums being dropped by these footballers are often eye-watering in size. This, alongside their celebrity, means the red carpet is invariably rolled out for them. But what sorts of perks and experiences do they enjoy? Below, we’ll delve into the specific bonuses and benefits offered by casinos to their high rollers, both in their traditional and their digital formats.

Complimentary services

Even the rank-and-file attendees at a brick-and-mortar casino are treated to complimentary alcoholic beverages, but things are really ratcheted up a notch or two for VIPs. Anything from luxury hotel rooms to Broadway tickets to prepaid shopping credit cards are on the table – as long as the player’s chips are too, of course. With their inflated pay packets, footballers are sure to be front of the line when it comes to receiving freebies at physical casinos.

Prestigious hospitality trips

Not to be outdone by their traditional counterparts, online casinos are also offering real-life experiences to their high rollers and VIPs. Beneficiaries can expect to take advantage of all-expenses-paid holidays to the planet’s most luxurious destinations, round-the-world trips aboard extravagant cruise ships and tickets to the most highly sought-after sporting events in the calendar. That’s especially attractive to someone who has built their career and their wealth within the sporting realm.

Higher ceilings

When you’re a casino VIP, everything is exaggerated. Perks and promotions come with much larger and more lucrative rewards, jackpots have incredible prize funds and you’re invited to participate in exclusive weekly and monthly gambling tournaments. What’s more, high rollers can often take advantage of the highest betting limits in the industry, allowing players to deposit and stake as much as they like on a single role of the die. For an adrenaline injection, there’s simply nothing quite like it.

Social connections

A large part of the fun of being a member of an exclusive group or club is rubbing shoulders with the best and brightest that the world has to offer. When gambling at a casino (either in person or online), footballers are often ushered behind the red rope to a special area where they can converse with other high rollers. Not only is this a great place to swap gambling strategies and share tales, but it can also forge important connections in the business and social worlds, too. As such, a VIP casino membership can be worth its weight in gold.

Footballers are famed for their astronomical wages and glamorous lifestyles – and being a casino high roller is just one facet of that. Most VIP casino programmes operate on an invite-only policy, but you can learn more about how to qualify, what to expect and where the best experiences are to be found, as well as other related news stories, at this dedicated blog: